Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Links, Revisited

In the continued effort to be the resource for all things Thousand Sons here are some links. Some of these I've posted before, but there are a few new good ones.

Games Workshop"s Article - This is an "official" tactica from the parent company itself. Many people complain that GW Army lists are not realistic in the gamer world as a whole. In other words, no one would play with an army they saw in White Dwarf. I'm not strategist, but I tend to agree with that. The lists featured in this article are good, but there are some errors with some of the rules (Which is funny because this is on the website of the people who wrote the rules).

Librarium Online - This is one of the first fan written tacticas I read. I suspect it was written during 3rd edition, because he's still using the old slow and purposeful rule.

Nine Legions - This isn't very well written, but the tactical advice seems right on. It made me re-think a lot of what I'm going to do with my sons especially with regards to close combat.

Warseer Forum - This thing is huge! It is a forum thread on Warseer that is at present count 222 pages and 2,216 entries long. The information is in no way organized, but there is a lot of it. It's also a good place to go if you have rules questions since a lot of veteran sons players visit this thread. There are also a few battle reports with pictures buried in there somewhere.

Alan O'Bryan - This guy is a Golden Demon winning commission painter who has a sons army for his personal use. Pictures are here. All of it's good, but some of his style I'm not fond of. I do like the yellow armor on what I think is a group of chosen(?).



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