Friday, February 17, 2006

I'm Not Alone (links)

I found a forum dedicated solely to Thousand Sons called All is Dust. It's pretty cool that us Thousand Sons fans have our own forum, but most of the people on the forum seem to be in the same boat as me, just starting out. Hopefully, with time, the site will attract more veteran TSons players.

I also want to add this link, which is a pretty cool article on Thousand Sons from the GW site. There is also this article on painting Thousand Sons, but I'm sorry, they look like crap. I know I can't prove at this point that I can do any better, so you'll have to trust me.
Finally, here is pretty cool article with wall paper from the UK GW site.

Here is a cool army from Adepticon 2004. I'm sorry, but there was no information as to who owned the army or who painted it.

On the painting side of things, I've been plugging along doing the base-coat blue. I realized that painting Chaos marines is a lot harder than loyalist due to they're ornate armor (Have I said this before?). I suspect things will go a lot faster after I finish this base coat. Highlighting is always a little quicker.


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